วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 31 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2558

Metoprolol tartrate

Metoprolol tartrate

Dosage form
Immediate release tablet
100 mg
Indication : Angina pectoris, HTN, hemodynamically stable acute MI.
Mechanism of action : Block the agonistic effect of the sympathetic neurotransmitters by competing for receptor binding sites.
Pregnancy Category C(1st trimester), D(2nd&3rd trimester)
Contraindication : Severe sinus bradycadia, significant 1st-degree heart block.
Precaution : Do not w/draw therapy abruptly but gradually taper 1-2 wk to avoid acute tachycardia, ischemia
Drug Interaction : Increased risk of myocardial depression w/verapamil, diliazem&class I antiarrhythmics.
Side Effect : Hypotention, bradycardia, 1st-degree heart block; dizziness, fatigue, depression, pruritus, rash.
Monitoring parameters : Blood cell counts and Blood glucose concentrations(for diabetic patients)
Usual Dose : Oral. 100 to 400 mg administered once a day for maintenance of established dosage requirements.
Patient Education : Pt may not experience symtoms of hypertention; importance of taking medication only as directed and keeping appointments with physican. even if feeling well
Missed Dose : Takeing as soon as possible; not takeing at all if within 4 hpurs of next scheduled dose; not doubling doses
Auxiliary labels  : Do not take other medicine without your doctor’s advice


